Experimental traumatic brain injury models in rats

Experimental traumatic brain injury





Rat, brain injury, injury models.


Head traumas are high-mortality pathologies that can disable. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a heterogeneous disease containing brain damage caused by external effects. In the human brain injury after trauma, examinations cannot be made at histopathological and molecular levels, and the effect of a new drug on a head -trauma person cannot be examined. Human models are required to experimentally reveal the similarities of human TBI’s biomechanical, cellular, and molecular events and to develop new treatments and show their effectiveness. Today, the most commonly used animals in TBI experiments are rats. Rats are preferred because their volumes are small and their costs are low, and the working groups can be enlarged. In this study, the commonly used rat TBI models and the restrictions of these models were compiled.


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How to Cite

Kayabaş, M. (2023). Experimental traumatic brain injury models in rats: Experimental traumatic brain injury. Rats, 1(1), 15–19. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8143363


