An overview of some ischemia/reperfusion models created in rats and the application procedure of these models
Ischemia reperfusion models created in rats
Ischemia, reperfusion, rat, tissue damageAbstract
As a result of damage induced by ischemia-reperfusion in organs and tissues in various conditions such as sepsis, open surgeries, tissue transplantations, organ tumors, and shock, organ damage, and related dysfunction occur. Recently, various studies on experimental animals have tried to develop agents that can prevent or treat ischemia-reperfusion injury. Understanding the mechanism of damage caused by ischemia-reperfusion in tissues and organs will be useful in developing an effective treatment method in this case. In addition, the feasibility of ischemia-reperfusion models in rats and the correct application of the methods of these models will increase the probability of success in preventing or treating organ dysfunction that may occur in this case. For this reason, in this study, we tried to give a general summary of the mechanism of damage in the experimental ischemia-reperfusion model in rats and the method of applying the ischemia-reperfusion model created in various organs/tissues. Because fully understanding the complex cellular events from the onset of ischemia to the occurrence of acute or chronic damage and the correct application of the model can provide us with new perspectives on the methods to be followed in treatment.
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